0o0o0o...gadis ayu! Lesung pipit di pipi!

I’m not the best person to talk about what I’m going to talk about and believe me, some of you might think that I’m a judgemental person. With all due respect, I have no intentions to hurt or judge anyone as I have no right to judge others. What I’ll be writing is just a piece of my mind. All of you have the right to accept or condemn it.

Ok, I don’t really know how to say this so I might as well just go straight to the point. I’m actually fed up with some girls out there who proudly show off part of their bodies which they shouldn’t have. I’m not trying to be sexist you know but I just can’t stand it anymore. These girls just don’t feel like they should ‘wear more’. I don’t really mind about non-Muslim girls but I truly disagree with some or should I say most Muslimah who feel free to expose their aurat in public. Don’t they feel ashamed? Where are their dignities? Where do they put His commandments in their priority?

Some of those girls might say, “It’s my body. What the hell does that have to do with you men?” Are you kidding me? Of course it has something to do with us. You think we men won’t stare at you when you show em off? We might be able to ignore one or two of you but three, five, ten, twenty, a bunch of you? Do you expect us to walk with are eyes closed? Plus we are men and it’s normal for us to be attracted to girls. Trust me girls, most of us who resist to look at you for the first time might won’t be strong enough to resist in on the 2nd occasion. Don’t worry girls. I’m fully aware that I’m not good or pious whatsoever. True, I don’t wear serban or jubah as my daily clothe but I don’t think that should stop me from voicing this out. Do you want to be the reason for us to commit fornication? Think carefully, would any raper even think about raping a girl who covers herself properly? Even if they do, do you really think that He won’t protect those girls who dresses to please Him?

A muslimah should cover themselves more. If you really are beautiful then why do you have to show them? A women’s beauty shouldn’t be exposed, a women’s beauty should be preserved so that it won’t be spoiled by men with bad intentions. Plus, you’re beauty is for your future husband who’ll be there for you when you need him, who’ll guide you when you’re lost, who’ll always love you even when you get old and fat not for some stranger who stalks you when you walk, who ignores you when you’re not beautiful anymore.

Speaking of husband, you guys don’t think that you’re safe u know. Remember, when you marry a girl you’re fully responsible of her and your kids. Yes, marriage can save you from adultery but be aware that if you fail to guide your family to heaven they might as well drag you ‘somewhere else’. Plus, even if those girls expose their aurat in public, we’ll still get our ‘share’ if we don’t resist staring at them.

P/S:Sorry for any hard feelings

Rahmat menjadi wanita Islam(copied from i don’t remember where)

1. Seorang wanita solehah adalah lebih baik daripada 70 orang wali.*

2. Seorang wanita solehah adalah lebih baik daripada 70 lelaki soleh.*

3. Seorang wanita yang jahat adalah lebih buruk daripada 1,000 lelaki yang jahat.*

4. 2 rakaat solat dari wanita yang hamil adalah lebih baik daripada 80 rakaat solat wanita yang tidak hamil.*

5. Wanita yang memberi minum susu kepada anaknya daripada badannya(susu* badan) akan dapat satu pahala daripada tiap-tiap titik susu yang diberikannya. *

6. Wanita yang melayan dengan baik suami yang pulang ke rumah di dalam keadaan letih akan mendapat pahala jihad.

7. Wanita yang habiskan malamnya dengan tidur yang tidak selesa kerana menjaga anaknya yang sakit akan mendapat pahala seperti membebaskan 20 orang hamba.

8. Wanita yang melihat suaminya dengan kasih sayang dan suami yang melihat isterinya dengan kasih sayang akan dipandang Allah dengan penuh rahmat.

9. Wanita yang menyebabkan suaminya keluar dan berjuang ke jalan Allah dan kemudian menjaga adab rumahtangganya akan masuk syurga 500 tahun lebih awal daripada suaminya, akan menjadi ketua 70,000 maalaikat dan bidadari dan wanita itu akan dimandikan di dalam syurga, dan menunggu suaminya dengan menunggang kuda yang dibuat daripada yakut. *

10. Wanita yang tidak cukup tidur pada malam hari kerana menjaga anak yang sakit akan diampunkan oleh Allah akan seluruh dosanya dan bila dia hiburkan hati anaknya Allah memberi 12 tahun pahala ibadat.

11. Wanita yang memerah susu binatang dengan "bismillah" akan didoakan oleh binatang itu dengan doa keberkatan.

12. Wanita yang menguli tepung gandum dengan bismillah", Allah akan berkatkan rezekinya.

13. Wanita yang menyapu lantai dengan berzikir akan mendapat pahala seperti meyapu lantai di baitullah.

14. Wanita yang menjaga solat, puasa dan taat pada suami, Allahakan mengizinkannya untuk memasuki syurga dari mana-mana pintu yang dia suka.

15. Wanita yang hamil akan dapat pahala berpuasa pada siang hari.

16 Wanita yang hamil akan dapat pahala beribadat pada malam hari.

17. Wanita yang bersalin akan mendapat pahala 70 tahun solat dan puasa dan setiap kesakitan pada satu uratnya Allah mengurniakan satu pahala haji.

18. Sekiranya wanita mati dalam masa 40 hari selepas bersalin, dia akan dikira sebagai mati syahid.

19. Jika wanita melayan suami tanpa khianat akan mendapat pahala 12 tahun solat.

20. Jika wanita menyusui anaknya sampai cukup tempoh (2 1/2 tahun), maka maalaikat-maalaikat di langit akan khabarkan berita bahawa syurga wajib baginya.

21. Jika wanita memberi susu badannya kepada anaknya yang menangis, Allah akan memberi pahala satu tahun solat dan puasa.

22. Jika wanita memicit suami tanpa disuruh akan mendapat pahala 7* tola emas dan jika wanita memicit suami bila disuruh akan mendapat pahala tola perak.

23. Wanita yang meniggal dunia dengan keredhaan suaminya akan memasuki syurga.

24. Jika suami mengajarkan isterinya satu masalah akan mendapat * pahala*80* tahun ibadat.*

25. Semua orang akan dipanggil untuk melihat wajah Allah di akhirat, tetapi Allah akan datang sendiri kepada wanita yang memberati auratnya iaitu memakai purdah di dunia ini dengan istiqamah. * Pandangan : Amatlah mudah bagi seorang wanita untuk menjejak Syurga.* Namun begitu mengapa terlalu ramai yang masih hidup dalam kejahilan? Sang suami pula perlu ingat, tidak kamu jejaki syurga sebelum keluarga kamu menjejak syurga. Jangan ingat hendak kahwin empat jika yang satu belum terbela. Yang belum kahwin tu ingat, kamu terdedah kepada kemungkaran. Iman akan dicabar sehebat-hebatnya ketika ini. Pilih lah Syurga dan bukannya Neraka. Siapa tahu, hari ini kita tak sampai ke rumah sebab dipertengahan jalan kita bertemu Izrail. Siapa tahu, hari ini hari terakhir kita berjumpa pasangan kita sebab dipertengahan jalan, dia berjumpa Izrail. Bagaimana rasanya ketika berjumpa Izrail? Untuk yang beriman, macam 700 pedang yang tajam mencucuk kamu dalam semua arah. Yang tak beriman, bayangkan pisau potong daging kat pasar tu yang tumpul. Pisau tu menetak kepala kita macam mana orang memecahkan tempurung kelapa. Kepala kita di kopak dua, dipisahkan dengan kasarnya, ketika kita masih hidup. Lepas tu di kapak-kapak kan kepala kita macam tembikai. Itu baru bab kepala. Belum masuk tangan, kaki, badan,etc... . Hadis nabi mengenai wanita. Doa perempuan lebih makbul daripada lelaki kerana sifat penyayang yang lebih kuat daripada lelaki.Ketika ditanya kepada Rasulullah akan hal tersebut, jawab baginda, "Ibu lebih penyayang daripada bapa dan doa orang yang penyayang tidak akan sia-sia". Wallahua'lam. .

Wake Me Up When September Ends

Summer has come and passed and winter is just around the corner. It’s been more than two months since I landed my feet on Malaysia after my first year in Egypt. Quite a long holiday I had and should’ve been useful to me. Well I chose the right word by saying ‘should’ve’ cause I don’t think it did. Not that I wasted 100 % of my time but I just don’t think I made the best out of it. Apart from the holy month, it’s not too harsh if I say I’ve been useless. I barely helped (but I still did) my mother with some house chores or my father. Not so bad due to the fact that I’m a son not a daughter but still, what good do I do if I came back home and not help them.

Think that’s bad enough? Think again mate. Not just did I rarely exercised, I also gained ‘some’ weight! Don’t worry how much, it’s just a figure but it just shows how lazy I was. A few days ago I played futsal and about 20 minutes of playing was enough for me to ‘deliver the baby’. Luckily nothing came out of my mouth though but the next few games I was back in shape brother. Give me another two hours and I’ll play like Steven Gerrard(‘s granny). Plus, yesterday (25/9/2010) I played football and I mean FOOTBALL. You know that game with 11 players each team, a referee and two linesmen? Yeah, that football. After almost two years I didn’t touch green grass, finally I had that chance again with my eldest brother and his ex-schoolmates. Frustratingly though that my weight didn’t change a bit. Maybe those fats were already turned into muscles so it replaced the weight of the fat.

Enough of my holiday stories. Wake me up when September ends would ya? Coz that means I’m just a week away from flying back to Egypt. Mixed emotion is what I could say about what I feel. Anyhow, class has already started last Saturday and I’m still in Malaysia. I’m a bit worried though that I might not be able to catch up with what I’ll miss. Hopefully my friends can teach me what they’ve learned while I’m still smelling Proton Saga’s smoke. People say that second year’s going to be tougher. Give me a break. I couldn’t even finish revising Physiology of Cardiovascular System in more than two months. So, now I’m really worried (at least I do feel worried though I’m still wasting my time doing something else) about the prospect of not being able to get mumtaz this year. I don’t wanna disappoint my parents for the second time running especially not my father. “No sweat mate, you’ll do fine.” *ignore me, I’m talking to myself*

Actually, if I get credit in my exam it is already good enough. Getting mumtaz is just a morale booster. What matters most is when I do become a doctor coz I’m not gonna treat my patients with my exam results, I’ll treat them based on what I’ve learned. So, getting maqbul(credit) and understanding well what we’ve learned is better than getting mumtaz but just by memorizing notes instead of truly understanding what we’ve learned. You’re not gonna do any kind of surgery while referring to the notes you memorized before exams would ya? You have to do it by understanding well what your patient’s problem actually is coz some things aren’t written in books. Am I not right?

So, hopefully this year would be better than last year. Less playing, less time wasting, less ‘online’ing but more studying. And let’s not forget that in the end, He decides everything so make sure we don’t forget Him. Not just for the sake of exam only but for the sake of our life, our family’s, friends’ and those we loves’ here and hereafter. May The Only One be pleased with us.

~Ya Allah, mumtaz untuk Muaz dan rakan-rakannya. Ameen~

I'm Talking To Myself but I Don't Mind You Reading

Testing keyboard 1, 2, 3. Cobaan papan kekunci satu dua. It’s been a while (a long while actually) since the last time I wrote something on this blog. Not that I don’t have anything to talk about but I can’t find any reason why I should tell others about it. Sharing problems doesn’t necessarily lessen the burden you’re carrying coz some people just won’t understand and some of them don’t even care. I did write 2 or 3 ‘something’ but then I decided to delete it. I don’t know why but I just felt that posting it wasn’t the best decision.

In this modern day, internet and cell phones are two most popular things among people especially teenagers. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not gonna write an essay about advantages and disadvantages of internet whatsoever. Besides, if I was told to do so, 2 paragraphs would already be an incredible achievement for me. From what I could see is that most of us have different personalities between ourselves in the outside world and us on the internet. Some shy, mute and nerdy kid in the outside world could be a sweet-mouthed Romeo on the internet, a devil could act like an angel on the internet and so on. I’m not referring this specifically to anyone (how could I when sometimes I feel like I’m referring this to myself). Is that some kind of hypocrisy? Yes (and no) I guess.

Well that may not be a problem coz everyone has their own reason to be so. Maybe the shy, mute and nerdy kid feels that only through the internet he/she could be friends with others coz in the outside world, people make them feel like they’re a statue of poverty. Plus, some guys who rarely talk to gurlz suddenly become so friendly or near-to-Casanova kind of person coz when he chats with gurlz on the internet he doesn’t have to feel like someone with no manners just because he doesn’t wanna look into some gurl’s eyes while talking to her. Maybe he rarely talk to gurlz in the outside world because he’ll have to look at their faces if he do so. Maybe. But undeniably there are some bunch of losers who are furiously shy in the outside world but pathetically shameless on the net.

That still might not be a problem. But what about some not-so-good people who act like they’re perfect. Again I’m stressing out that I’m not referring this specifically to anyone but there are some people out there (or maybe me myself or some of you who are reading this) that act so noble on the net. Facebook status: “Alhamdulillah,  Ramadhan tahun ni aku tiap2 malam bangun tahajud” or “Sepanjang bulan Ramadhan aku tak online facebook langsung”. Why is it necessary for us to post that kind of status on facebook or whatever kind of social websites? If we know, He knows and ‘both of them’ know, isn’t that enough? Why do we have to announce it and face the risk of doing all those good deeds for nothing?

Even worse, some of us post quite a number of hadiths in our blog. Agreed, posting hadiths on our blog as a trusted proof of some of the points we’re trying to stress out is good. But do we really know whether the hadith is sahih or not? Or do we simply google them without making any research? Do we know how terrible it is to spread something that is not from him (PBUH) yet claiming it is from him? Some people might not agree with what I'm trying to say. Well, I may be wrong coz i'm not a perfect person. So, you could refer to someone who knows better than me. In fact, you should have referred earlier before you posted those hadiths.

Sometimes it is just better to be quiet rather than talking nonsense or spreading lies or saying something that might hurt others or something that we don’t even know whether it is true or not. Think before you choose your words. Words can kill. Bear this in mind, you can never please everyone even if you try. But if u please Him, He’ll make sure everyone are pleased with you. And we don't have to act good because He knows very well what kind of person we really are.

Pejam Tak Bermaksud Tidur, Senyap Tak Bererti Mati

Kalo nk tunggu ilham datang memang jd fosil ah blog aku ni. So, aku dapat idea x matang ni. Aku select sume lagu yg ada dalam lptop aku n tekan ‘Add to windows media player’, shuffle mode dan cuba bg komen sedikit sebanyak pasal lagu2 yg dimainkan. Lagu pertama yg dimainkan ialah Beautiful Girls-Sean Kingston.

Apa nak komen pasal lagu ni? Yg aku paham, lagu ni mcm sorang bdk laki yg ditipu oleh ‘awek’ dia kot. Apa nak eran kan, dah muka itam badan plak gemuk kalo ikut logik pon memang xde pompuan nak ah (kebiasaannya lah). Walaupon orang kapir ada kata ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’, tp nk wat cmne kan. Sekali pandang memang luaran je yg kita nampak sebab kita x knal lg isi hati seseorang tu. Tapi x semestinya luar buruk dalam pon buruk. Amek contoh durian ah, 1st kita tengok ish, berduri, kulit keras. Pastu bukak2 berbau plak tu (tp aku suka je bau durian). Tapi bila dah sumbat dalam mulut  baru ko tau sia2nya idup kalo x makan durian. Tapi itu x bermaksud yg kita bole abaikan je appearance kita. Kurang2 kenalah mandi, sikat rambut, pakai kemas. Kalo luaran dah mcm mat ganja, bau plak cm tong sampah sape nk dkat ngan kita kan?

Seterusnya lagu kedua yang bertajuk Matahariku-Agnes Monica. Aku ingat lg aku slalu dgr lagu ni sebab lagu ni lagu tema cter Jelita. Cter Jelita ni cter Indon(memang ah dah Agnes Monica tu kan Indon). Cter ni kat tv3 kul 230-330 petang, Isnin sampai Khamis. Tym cter ni ditayangkan aku masih lagi ngah tunggu offer dari mana2 IPTA@Universiti. So sementara tunggu offer aku pon amek ah kelas memandu. Selalunya kalo ada kelas memandu, aku akan tunggu cikgu memandu aku kat ruang tamu bawah. Kalo kelas memandu tu waktu petang,  aku akan terdengar ah lagu tu sebab ibu ngah tengok kat atas xpon sebab adik aku g skola agama lupa nk tutup tv. Yg aku paham dari lagu ni plak ialah, minah ni cam dah xnk maafkan ex-bf dia kot. Kononnya pintu ati dia dah tertutup ah. Dalam masa yg sama dia tetap bersedih. Aih, x paham aku org2 bercinta ni. Kan senang kalo single cam aku ni. Pintu ati sentiasa terbuka. Ok, part single tu betul tapi part pintu ati sentiasa terbuka tu.......??????

Next song plak, fuuuhhh nasyid la plak. Bahasa Arab lagi. Ya Nabi-Maher Zain. Aku mula dengar lagu si botak ni tym kat mesir ah. Ada ah sorang ni knalkan dia kat aku. Mula2 aku minat dua je lagu dia, 4 The Rest of My Life ngan Barakalluhalakuma. Tapi bila aku amek sume lagu dia yg ada dalam laptop Abe, aku mula minat lagu Open Your Eyes, The Only One n Always Be There. Lagu Open Your Eyes tu memang menginsfkan ah. Aku rasa korang pon dah selalu dgr lagu2 mamat botak ni. Tapi lagu Ya Nabi ni aku jarang dengar (teruk ke aku ni?). Mungkin sebab dia dalam Bahasa Arab kot, aku x paham sangat so kureng ah sket. Tapi aku taw ah dalam lirik dia ada selawat ke atas Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. Sebenarnya nak tunjukkan yg kita ni sayang baginda x semestinya kena selawat kuat2, berarak tengah2 panas tym maulidur rasul. Nabi ada bersabda yg mafhumnya lebih kurang, "sesiapa yang menghidupkan sunnahku bererti dia mencintaiku,sesiapa yang mencintaiku,dia akan bersama-samaku didalam syurga". Kan jelas tu. Tanda kita cinta pada baginda ialah dengan menghidupkan sunnahnya. Ni kalo makan guna tangan pon kita geli, pakai kopiah pon malu2, orang pakai jubah n serban pon kita gelak2kan, berani kita mengaku kita cinta nabi kita?

Lagu yg ke-4 ialah Salam Terakhir-Sudirman. Lagu ni antara feveret aku gak la. Aku memang minat lagu2 lama tp xde ah lama sgt cm P. Ramlee tu. Lagu2 90an la mksud aku. Lagu ni agak sedih sket. Dengar cter lagu ni Allahyarham nyanyi x lama sblom dia meninggal. ~Al-Fatihah~ Baca tajuk pon kita dah bole agak lirik dia kan. Lagu ni pasal sorang yg dah nak pegi jauh tapi cm x sempat mintak maaf ke cm tu (yg aku paham la).Biasa kalo kat skola dulu kalo ada cekgu nak pindah ke, ada cekgu yg baru meninggal ke, x pon kalo kawan2 nk berpisah lpas tamat skola ke, kalo ada slideshow memang ni antara lagu2 yg akan dimuatkan dalam slideshow tu ah. Betul x? Tiba2 plak aku teringat kat arwah cikgu Rosli, cikgu bahasa perancis aku tym form 1,2,3 dulu. Dia meninggal tym aku form 4, strok. ~Al-Fatihah untuk dia~. Dialah yg buat aku rasa yg meniru dalam exam ni satu kesalahan yg besar. Katanya, “kamu ingat berkat ke kamu meniru tu? Kalo x berkat dah kompem kamu akan gagal. Kalo kamu berjaya pon bkn sbb kamu yg pandai tp sbb usaha orang lain.” Katanya lagi, “cuba kamu pikir, kalo kamu dapat jadi seorang yg berjaya satu ari nanti disebabkan satu peperiksaan yg kamu tiru, kamu rasa rezeki yg kamu dapat tu halal ke?”. Sebelum dia ckp cmtu, memang aku x penah terpikir cmtu punya jauh. Sblom2 tu aku pk, ala tiru satu ujian je pon. Lgpon aku bkn tiru, aku bincang skali ngan kwn2. Terima kasih Cikgu Rosli kerana menyedarkan saya. (tapi sebenarnya aku bkn terus sedar pon, dah lama sket baru aku betul2 stop niru).                     
P/S:dia bkn ckp kat aku sorang tp dia ckp kat satu klas. So xyah nk wat andaian yg aku ni kantoi meniru plak

OK, lagu last. Lagu ni sebenarnya bkn la lagu yg aku nk. Lagu dia London Bridge-Preeti Sagar. Sebenarnya aku nk yg orang putih nyanyi tp last2 dapat plak keling ni. Xpelah, nk wat cmne kan. Lagu ni aku download dari mainmusik.com. Tym tu ngah musim final exam kot. Bosan study, aku pon amek inisiatif untuk download lagu2 nursery rhymes ni. Adalah, Twinkle2 Little Star, Incy Wincy Spider, Mary Had A Little Lamb n bnyk la lg. Mula2 aku ingat nk dlete sbab keling yg nyanyi kan. Cm x brapa nk best ah tp aku simpan je. Malas nk cari lg. Lagu ni famous tym kecik2 dulu ah. Tp aku still rasa bes mungkin sbab aku blom matang spnuhnya kot. Aku ingat tym kat nursery dulu, ada satu permainan bertemakan lagu ni. Ada dua orang yg akan berdiri menghadap muka masing2 pastu sambung tangan. Pastu bdk2 lain akan lalu bawah tangan dua bdk td sambil nyanyi lagu ni. Bila lagu dah habis, dua bdk td akn turunkan tgn n tngkap bdk yg ada dalam tangan dorang. So, bdk yg kna tgkap tu dikira kalah la. N then ulang balik smpai tinggal sorang pemenang.

Eh, bole tahan gak ah. Panjang gak aku mengomen lagu2 ni. Elok la tu, daripada aku biar blog aku ni berhabuk cmtu je. Ada gak la post baru walaupon x brapa bermanfaat utk org yg baca. Tapi sebenarnya lg elok kalo aku baca quran n baca terjemahan dia daripada aku buat benda ni kan? Teruk betul la aku ni =_=

Transition State

Susah betul la nak dapat idea utk tulis sumthing kat blog ni. Banyak je benda yg aku ngah pikirkan skang ni tapi aku lom dpt cara yg sesuai utk discuss topik tu supaya bole bg paedah utk org yg akan baca blog aku nanti (ada ke org baca?). Xpelah, nt kalo aku dh dpt ilham aku post ah. Quality is better than quantity, aku rasa quote ni bole dijadikan alasan utk lambat mengupdate blog. Kalo tulis post banyak2 tp xde manfaat utk org lain lebih baik x payah aku rasa. Apa2 pon, kat sini aku nak kongsi satu gambar yg sangat bermanfaat dan bole dijadikan pengajaran buat kita semua (semua means termasuk aku skali). Gambar ni pon sebenarnya ada kaitan gak ngan post aku yg sebelum ni. Kalaulah semua umat islam mcm dua org dalam gambar ni kan bagus. OK, enjoy the pic ^_^

Barakallahulana, wabaraka alaina, wajama'a bainana filkhair, ameen~

Once upon a time, a bla, bla, bla……. So, Cinderella and the prince lived happily ever after, the end. That was a Disney story some kids, including the 3 years old version of me, used to read. A story always ends with a good ending, otherwise kids won’t like it. The fact is, life ain’t just a story. It’s a journey of thousands miles starting from Luh Mahfuz till the day we die when we’ll return to Him the Almighty. Happy ending or not depends on what we do throughout our lives. If good it is then good we’ll get but if it’s the opposite, then take ur time n think about it. Simple and annoying we may think it is but what u’re about to read is definitely something that’ll make u think again n again.

“Glory to Allah, Who created in pairs all things that the earth produces, as well as their own (human) kind and (other) things of which they have no knowledge”
Yasin (36): 36

Starting to read my point I think u have. Teenagers are those who have just finished childhood and are on the brink of entering adulthood. We (I’m 19 btw) face lots of new things; learn how to live independently, how to manage daily life, etc. So sometimes we feel like the pressure is too much for us, that we need someone who could help us or at least share our problem with. Unfortunately though, we tend to find someone of different gender. That’s where everything might (most of the times) go wrong. See, I’ve no doubt that the exact reason why we tend to do so is because of ‘he’ (that ungrateful creature who disobeyed His orders) has been whispering things into our unstable mind.

“Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils)”
Al-Isra’ (17): 32

Yes, without any objection I agree that there’s no problem with having a friend of different gender as long as we know and don’t cross the limits. I myself have female friends too. But what’s with those couple and dating things? Come on, we still eat from our fathers’ salary. So why pretend like we’re big enough to ‘raise’ our own ‘family’. Grow up please. If you still haven’t fed your parents with your own money, why bother feeding others? They raised us for years so they deserve it first. Wherever we are now is because of them. Besides, couple and dating is a waste. You waste your money, time and possibly your future for someone who not necessarily will be your life partner. If you say that ‘kalau tak cari, camne jodoh nak datang?’, then that is one pathetic, lame excuse. If you are serious in making her/him your life partner, then what/who’s stopping you from doing so? If your answer is ‘aku muda lagi’, then you know you’re still young so why trap yourself in these ‘monkey love’ problems. Why don’t you just focus on your studies? Why not wait till you earn your own salary so that you can buy him/her things instead of using your parents’ money?

'Hot' couple, just like those i'm talking about 

Some may think that having someone (a date/gf/bf/etc) will lessen the burden. Think again then I suggest. Firstly, of course you’ll have to text/call them every single day instead of using those time to study or those money you spent on ‘topups’ to treat your friends with lunch/dinner. Secondly, if you get into a fight/misunderstanding Secondly, if you get into a fight/misunderstanding you won’t be able to focus on your studies or more worryingly your obligatory salat. You’ll even waste your time thinking on how to entice him/her instead of using your intelligence to solve an addmath question. Thirdly, have you ever heard about ‘zina hati’ ? Surely you have. Fourthly, if one day you realize that he/she wasn’t the one and you break up with him/her, did you ever think of what will happen to him/her? After pouring millions of sweet words to him/her and in the end you just went away like that. Imagine how she/he’ll feel, imagine the guilt that’ll haunt you. Lastly, imagine the vice versa.

P/S: Some of you may say, ‘ko xde awek memang la ko ckp cmtu, dah xde org nak kat ko’, hahahahhaha….that may be true but I have to say what a narrow minded person you are. Call me a hypocrite but I kinda chose to be single and I’m proud of it.

"Truly, my prayer and my service of sacrifice, my life and my death, are (all) for Allah, the Cherisher of the Worlds"

Al-An’am (6):162

“And Allah has made for you mates (and companions) of your own nature, and made for you, out of them, sons and daughters and grandchildren, and provided for you sustenance of the best: will they then believe in vain things, and be ungrateful for Allah.s favours?”
An-Nahl (16): 72

Sweep off! It's Mine!

Life’s too short to think about unimportant things such as revenge, broken heart and impossible dreams. Open our eyes and mind and we’ll know that there are lots of better things to do. Often said, ‘a journey of thousand miles begins with a single step’. So why not take that step instead of standing still like the Statue of Liberty.

I’ll be 19 years old by the end of this year yet there are plenty of things I still haven’t achieved or find out. However, I did learn one simple thing a few days ago. Something I never thought I would be able to learn. Not so important it may be but it was satisfying. It took a simple boring holiday to teach me that. A simple game I’ve been playing since I was, what, 5 years old? This game is in almost every single computer in this world. It may not be as exciting as DOTA or PES 2010 but the game is kind of mind testing and sometimes it depends on luck.  

I’m sure everyone knows this game but probably many of us don’t know how to play it. Minesweeper is a deceptively simple game of memory and reasoning. The object of Minesweeper is to overturn blank squares and avoid those that conceal mines. If you click a mine, the game is over. Uncover all the blank squares as fast as possible for the highest score. 
Yes, luck may be a factor but there are some techniques needed to solve this puzzle.

To start the timer, click any square on the playing field. If a number appears on a square, it indicates how many total mines are in the eight squares that surround the numbered one. You can use this number to help deduce whether a square is safe to uncover.

In the figure above, the number 1(in red circle) indicates that there is only one mine in the eight boxes (green boxes) surrounding it.

In the figure below, the number 1 in red circle indicates that there is only one mine in the eight boxes surrounding it. Since there are no mine in the other seven boxes (green boxes) surrounding it, the mine has to be in the last box (yellow box).

To mark a square you suspect contains a mine, right-click it. This will add a flag to the square. If you're not sure, right-click it again, which will add a question mark to the square.

Try to mark all mines right away. If you know exactly where some mines are, take a second to mark them. Otherwise, you might forget them by the time you get back from another part of the board. This takes time, but it's worth it in the end.

If a set of squares doesn't reveal a pattern and you're not sure where to click next, clear out some unexplored territory. You're better off clicking in the middle of unmarked squares than clicking in an area where you know some mines are located.

You can adjust the difficulty level and set other game options in the Options dialog box.

Told you it’s not hard. Where there’s a will there’s a way. The few steps I shared above may not be enough to master this game but at least you could get some hint about this game. It takes experience to be good at this game. After all, experience is the best teacher. GOOD LUCK TRYING ^_^ !

Viva Alexandria

It’s hard to see the whole house wake up so early in the morning. However, that was what happened last Wednesday (16th June 2010). Wasn’t really a surprise as some of us didn’t sleep at all that night (probably too excited about the trip to Alexandria). After fajr prayer, we (me, Shah, Sob, Ali, Omar, Himma and Hassan) got ready, bathed, perfumed, dressed up and went to Syabrawi as we were to meet FiqShamilB and Zarul there. While waiting for all four of them, we had breakfast (makrunah) first at Abu Hajar stall. Shamil and B arrived just as we were about to finish our breakfast. Shamil, B, Ali and Hassan took a cab and went to Ramses Station first to buy the tickets, Fiq was still getting ready and Zarul had to wait for him while the rest of us waited for a bus which arrived a few minutes later. When we arrived at Ramses, the tickets were already bought and not long after that Zarul and Fiq arrived too.

                                                                Ramses Station 

So, off we went. There’s not so much to say about what happened in the train as I slept most of the three hours throughout the journey. It was still early when we arrived (around 730-800 a.m.). Shamil went to buy the tickets for the return trip first before we all walked. We didn’t really know where to go as it was too early to go to the beach. Yet we still took a tramco to the beach but just to have a walk along it. After a not-so-interesting ‘walk’, we decided to go to Di Stefano Mall as some of us still haven’t had breakfast yet and to get some cool air inside the mall.

                                                                 Di Stefano Mall

Around 11a.m., we went to Bibliotheca Alexandria. It was big and sort of unique. We had to buy tickets to enter the building though. There were plenty of books there (of course there were, it’s a library). We weren’t really there to read or do some research, obviously, we just walked inside the library without any purpose. The funny thing is every time I look at a book I thought I was interested in, I just get bored reading it. When it was time for zuhur prayer, we went to a mosque near the library.

                                                              Bibliotheca Alexandria 

After zuhur, we went to the beach for our ‘main event’. We went to the Montazah Beach. The beach had many entrances which we had to pay to get in. We walked along the beach, well actually on the sideways off the beach, to decide which entrance we should take. We picked one, got in and got changed. The spot wasn’t so good though but we didn’t want some bunch of stupid Egyptians barbarians to spoil our mood. It took only a while for us to get into the water. It’s been a long while since the last time I went into the sea. The water was salty, what else do you expect from seawater, yet it still took the hot weather out of me. It was exciting and fun not just the water but to spend times with your friends. We made sand castle together, ‘buried’ Ali, ‘mermaided’ Shamil and played sand ball (to let out the frustration of not being able to play snowball). We stopped and took a shower around 7 p.m. and waited for the sunset though only Himma had the chance to watch it till the end. The rest of us were too busy ‘posing’, packing things and getting dressed. Still to see the sun from the beach was beautiful. We took a tramco to Di Stefano Mall for maghrib prayer and dinner.

After dinner, we took a cab to Sidi Gaber Station. Our train was at 10.15 p.m. Again, I slept most of the three hours throughout the journey. We arrived at Ramses Station around two in the morning. We took a tramco to Syabrawi but me, Shah, Sob, Ali, Omar, Himma and Hassan stopped halfway as it was closer to our house. Alexandria wasn’t really so good but how often do you get to go to the sea let alone with your friends? Kind of reminds me of Langkawi. At least it’s better than just sitting home doing nothing. 


Montazah Beach

Engineer Turned Doctor

Alhamdulillah. Praise be to Allah. Finally, I managed to finish my 1st year in University Al-Azhar. The last paper for this year’s final exam was Biochemistry. Though it was quite tough, I hope all my efforts will be enough for me to get mumtaz, or at least maqbul so that I can pursue my studies for the 2nd year at this university. Its holiday now but I didn’t know what to do. So, I decided to write this post.

Actually, becoming a doctor was no longer my ambition since I was in form 1. So, medical course wasn’t really what I had in mind whatsoever going to Egypt. When I was in form 5, I decided to become a chemical engineer and to pursue my studies in England. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the opportunity to do so. Instead, I went to UiTM Shah Alam and took Asasi Kejuruteraan. Even till the final few weeks before the Mid Sem Exam I still haven’t made up my mind yet. Egypt and England are two different countries but the difference between engineering and medicine are even more significant. My father did told me that if His willing, he wanted one of his sons/daughters to be a doctor but I know that if I did it because of him instead of my own will, I might flop and things could get worse. So, I thought about it for quite a long while. I can say it was a hard decision but I decided to go to Egypt and that was only after Eidul Fitri which was like a month before I was due to depart. So to Egypt I went. P/S: Considering that it was University Al-Azhar, made things slightly easier for me to decide.

So, here I am now waiting for the Final Result. Hopefully I’ll succeed. It wasn’t so bad though. Besides learning everything about human bodies, we could appreciate the Greatness of Allah. How perfectly did he create us as he said in The Book. Sometimes it also makes me think how ungrateful we are. He created us, gave us an earth to live on, plants and animals to eat, yet, instead of saying a simple Alhamdulillah, we keep on complaining. May Allah forgive us all for our weaknesses, ameen.

At first, it was kinda hard to understand my professors’ English, but then I manage to cope with it. Studying medicine isn’t really hard. We just need to have the eagerness to know more about human body and of course we need to study well. Undeniably, the pressure of studying overseas is difficult but not impossible to overcome. We must not let ourselves to give up. It is important that we choose the right friends as our family are not there with us. So, friends are the one we rely on but don’t let them put bad influence on us. Plus, we must have a specific time for us to study. Don’t put too much pressure on ourselves yet don’t ‘relax’ too much. It’s best that we read the topics to be discussed in lecture before we enter the lecture or at least read t again after the lecture on the same day. This might help us to understand better and so that we won’t forget it easily. Studying in group is also a good habit as studying alone might make us sleepy (based on personal experience). Not missing lectures is also an important thing because some points discussed in the lectures are not present in the book or some wrong points in the book may be corrected during lectures. Besides, sometimes the professors will stress out which points are important. As for motivation, always remember our family especially mom and dad. It’ll help us significantly trust me. Most importantly, don’t forget The One who created us, who made it possible for us to have this opportunity, who, in the end, decides either we succeed or we fail. At least we should perform his obligations five times a day ON TIME. Read Yassin after Fajr prayer, perform tahajjud if possible, read the Quran, help others in their studies, remind others of what to do and what not to do with no other intention than to please Him and without forgetting to remind ourselves.

My 1st year wasn’t as how I wrote above. That was just some experience I learned and want to share with those who are reading this. InsyaAllah, I will practice what I wrote in the 2nd year. I’ll put more effort and try harder.

                                                ~Ya Allah, mumtaz untuk Muaz. Ameen~

Bila Turn Saya?

Satu hari aku balik ke kampong. Terlihat aku akan sebatang pokok kelapa yg tinggi melangit. Ku lihat ada beberapa biji buah di atasnya. Ada yg hijau dan ada yg kuning. Hijau maksudnya kelapa muda dan kuning maksudnya kelapa tua. Dengar cerita, air kelapa muda sangat berkhasiat dan bole mengubati beberapa jenis penyakit. Keesokan harinya ku lihat beberapa biji kelapa gugur ke tanah. Ada yg hijau dan ada yg kuning. Maksudnya ada yg MUDA dan  ada yg TUA. Kalau kelapa pon gugur ke tanah tak kira usia, kenapa ada orang kata “Aku masih MUDA, lambat lagi aku nak MATI. Dah TUA nanti aku taubat la. Hidup hanya sekali, so kita ENJOY

~Al-Fatihah buat seorang saudara kita, yang baru sahaja meninggal dunia akibat kemalangan jalan raya di Mesir baru2 ini~

Aku dalm perjalanan pulang dari kuliah bersama Ali, Naqib dan Sobri. Sebaik kami turun dari bas di simpang nak masuk ke kawasan rumah baru kami, kami terlihat akan satu kemalangan yg baru sahaja berlaku. Pada mulanya kami ingin mengabaikan sahaja tetapi kami perhatikan terdapat beberapa pemuda Melayu mengerumuni tempat kejadian. Aku pon ajak ali dan naqib pergi tengok. Keadaan motor yg agak teruk dengan kereta yg windshield depannya pecah. Namun tiada setitis darah pony g kelihatan. “Mungkin x teruk sgt kot”, bisikku dalam hatiku. Sangkaanku meleset sama sekali. Sedang aku asyik memerhatikan keadaan motor dan kereta di samping menahan marah akan kerenah pemandu kereta warganegara Mesir yg menunjukkan sikap seolah-olah tidak bersalah, aku terdengar beberapa perkataan yg menyentuh hatiku yg bergelumang dengan dosa ini. “Husna dah takde”, kata seorang pemuda yg baru sahaja selesai berbual dalam telefon dengan seseorang yg aku pon x pasti siapa. Kemudian aku terdengar pula ucapan ini, “jangan bagitau org umah dia, org umah dia ada sakit jantung”.

Hampir seharian aku fikirkan perkara itu: MATI
Baru je beberapa hari lepas pelawak terkenal Malaysia meninggal dunia. Taun lepas seorang pengarah filem terkenal Malaysia meninggal dunia. Beberapa bulan lepas seorang pelajar Malaysia juga meninggal di Iskandariah. Februari lepas bonda kepada seorang ex-roommate aku meninggal. Beberapa bulan lepas juga, abg kepada kwn kepada kwn Facebook aku meninggal. Kalo diingat-ingat balik, ramai juga yg meninggal dunia kebelakangan ni.
Then I came up with dis:-
-BILA TURN SAYA?  Adakah aku sudah bersedia?
-BILA TURN SAYA?  Macam mana keadaan aku?
-BILA TURN SAYA?  Apa yg akan aku bawa?
-BILA TURN SAYA?  Dapat x aku ucap shahadah sebelum?

Kereta warganegara Mesir terbabit
Motosikal mangsa