Summer has come and passed and winter is just around the corner. It’s been more than two months since I landed my feet on Malaysia after my first year in Egypt. Quite a long holiday I had and should’ve been useful to me. Well I chose the right word by saying ‘should’ve’ cause I don’t think it did. Not that I wasted 100 % of my time but I just don’t think I made the best out of it. Apart from the holy month, it’s not too harsh if I say I’ve been useless. I barely helped (but I still did) my mother with some house chores or my father. Not so bad due to the fact that I’m a son not a daughter but still, what good do I do if I came back home and not help them.
Think that’s bad enough? Think again mate. Not just did I rarely exercised, I also gained ‘some’ weight! Don’t worry how much, it’s just a figure but it just shows how lazy I was. A few days ago I played futsal and about 20 minutes of playing was enough for me to ‘deliver the baby’. Luckily nothing came out of my mouth though but the next few games I was back in shape brother. Give me another two hours and I’ll play like Steven Gerrard(‘s granny). Plus, yesterday (25/9/2010) I played football and I mean FOOTBALL. You know that game with 11 players each team, a referee and two linesmen? Yeah, that football. After almost two years I didn’t touch green grass, finally I had that chance again with my eldest brother and his ex-schoolmates. Frustratingly though that my weight didn’t change a bit. Maybe those fats were already turned into muscles so it replaced the weight of the fat.
Enough of my holiday stories. Wake me up when September ends would ya? Coz that means I’m just a week away from flying back to Egypt. Mixed emotion is what I could say about what I feel. Anyhow, class has already started last Saturday and I’m still in Malaysia. I’m a bit worried though that I might not be able to catch up with what I’ll miss. Hopefully my friends can teach me what they’ve learned while I’m still smelling Proton Saga’s smoke. People say that second year’s going to be tougher. Give me a break. I couldn’t even finish revising Physiology of Cardiovascular System in more than two months. So, now I’m really worried (at least I do feel worried though I’m still wasting my time doing something else) about the prospect of not being able to get mumtaz this year. I don’t wanna disappoint my parents for the second time running especially not my father. “No sweat mate, you’ll do fine.” *ignore me, I’m talking to myself*
Actually, if I get credit in my exam it is already good enough. Getting mumtaz is just a morale booster. What matters most is when I do become a doctor coz I’m not gonna treat my patients with my exam results, I’ll treat them based on what I’ve learned. So, getting maqbul(credit) and understanding well what we’ve learned is better than getting mumtaz but just by memorizing notes instead of truly understanding what we’ve learned. You’re not gonna do any kind of surgery while referring to the notes you memorized before exams would ya? You have to do it by understanding well what your patient’s problem actually is coz some things aren’t written in books. Am I not right?
So, hopefully this year would be better than last year. Less playing, less time wasting, less ‘online’ing but more studying. And let’s not forget that in the end, He decides everything so make sure we don’t forget Him. Not just for the sake of exam only but for the sake of our life, our family’s, friends’ and those we loves’ here and hereafter. May The Only One be pleased with us.
~Ya Allah, mumtaz untuk Muaz dan rakan-rakannya. Ameen~
5 echoes:
"Ya Allah permudahkanlah kami menduduki setiap imtihan dunia-Mu
Jadikanlah debaran jiwa kami resah andai gagal melamar redha-Mu
Dengarkanlah rintihan kami yang bersungguh mencari ilmu-Mu
Terimalah air mata kami sebagai penyejuk kemurkaan-Mu
Belailah jiwa kami andai kami terkulai layu. Agar nanti tiada yg kami sandarkan selain dari kekuasaan-Mu
Ya Allah yg Maha Pengasih,
bantulah kami meraih kejayaan di 'jeti persinggahan' ini utk dibawa pulang ke kampung akhirat kami
Allahumma Amin..
p/s:doa di atas kalo diamalkan lepas setiap kali abes smayang pon cantik juga. insyaAllah lebih maqbul
taun dpn xyah blek lah.try p0se sni.byk je bnd kt egypt ni.cme kne pndi cr:)
p/s:congrats mr/miss anonymous,the first person to leave a comment on my blog without a name
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