went to the immigration dis morning. was'nt planned carefully. actually i did'nt know wat to do so i covered myself wit 'saratoga'. pleasant feeling it was especially wen it was 8 degree celcius dis morning. then around 9a.m. i heard some murmurs bout ma housemates wanted to go n apply 4 our visa. so i got out of ma bed, brushed ma teeth, washed my face n hair, dressed up n sprayed some perfume (no tym to take a shower). me n ali went to make some photcopy of our passports n evry document necessary. while waiting at da cc, shamil,zarul n fiq showed up. so we had to wait 4 them. but i could'nt stand it, was too hungry. bought 4 twiggies yet still not enuf. so me, fiq n zarul went to eat spagetti at da bus stop while ali n shamil waited 4 the photocopies.
around 10 a.m, ali n shamil showed up at da bus stop. a few minutes later da bus arrived. da driver went to buy something so ali took dat opportunity to by spagetti 4 himself. we arrived at da immigration center around 11. subhanallah!! almost seemed like there was a football match there. naqib n omar who arrived earlier were queueing. they alrdy bought da form n so did hasan, sobri n shah. tho, the three latter were still filling up their forms. so the 5 of us who had just arrived quickly(not really) queued to buy da form(8 egypt pound/form). himma was stil queueing to buy da form.
then we filled up da forms n ended up deciding not to apply 4 da visa dis week. y? coz da queue was still longn the immigration center will be closing at 12. so we headed to ARMA(asrama rumah malaysia or sumthng like dat). then i remembered dat zaimu was there( PERUBATAN meeting). shamil n zarul went to c ustaz sulaiman 4 some matter i don't kno. i called zaimu but he was still in the hall. i wanted to wait 4 him but shamil has finished his matter with u.sulaiman n zarul wanted to go somewhere else. so we went home. while waiting 4 da cab, zaimu called me n asked where i was. told him dat i'm on ma way home n dat myb we cud meet another tym. besides, his meeting was until late evening.
the bottomline is i did'n get to make my visa. so i'm still an illegal immigrant.
back home, opened ma laptop(did'nt even close it actually) n kept on facebooking 4 a while n talked 2 ibu 4 a few minutes then suddenly......tuut...tuut...tuut...(disconnected)
argh!!! 4get it. was feeling sleepy so went strait to bed n slept.
P/s: wat happened next won't be disclosed here as dis is ma blog not ma 'DIARY'.
Istighasah, boleh ke tak?
Tengok ada ulamak berbeza pendapat, ada yang tafsir syirik sebab minta
dengan orang mati, ada yang kata tak syirik, sebab bukan minta pada orang
mati, ta...
2 echoes:
ko wt visa ari tuh bape bnyk kne bayar???
x wat pon lagi...
tp dgr cter kalo stdnt azhar xyah bayar denda lewat renew visa...so x smpai 20 pound pon.
kalo kena bayar denda (stdnt uniersity lain), mahal gak lah dalam 100 pound
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