went to the immigration dis morning. was'nt planned carefully. actually i did'nt know wat to do so i covered myself wit 'saratoga'. pleasant feeling it was especially wen it was 8 degree celcius dis morning. then around 9a.m. i heard some murmurs bout ma housemates wanted to go n apply 4 our visa. so i got out of ma bed, brushed ma teeth, washed my face n hair, dressed up n sprayed some perfume (no tym to take a shower). me n ali went to make some photcopy of our passports n evry document necessary. while waiting at da cc, shamil,zarul n fiq showed up. so we had to wait 4 them. but i could'nt stand it, was too hungry. bought 4 twiggies yet still not enuf. so me, fiq n zarul went to eat spagetti at da bus stop while ali n shamil waited 4 the photocopies.
around 10 a.m, ali n shamil showed up at da bus stop. a few minutes later da bus arrived. da driver went to buy something so ali took dat opportunity to by spagetti 4 himself. we arrived at da immigration center around 11. subhanallah!! almost seemed like there was a football match there. naqib n omar who arrived earlier were queueing. they alrdy bought da form n so did hasan, sobri n shah. tho, the three latter were still filling up their forms. so the 5 of us who had just arrived quickly(not really) queued to buy da form(8 egypt pound/form). himma was stil queueing to buy da form.
then we filled up da forms n ended up deciding not to apply 4 da visa dis week. y? coz da queue was still longn the immigration center will be closing at 12. so we headed to ARMA(asrama rumah malaysia or sumthng like dat). then i remembered dat zaimu was there( PERUBATAN meeting). shamil n zarul went to c ustaz sulaiman 4 some matter i don't kno. i called zaimu but he was still in the hall. i wanted to wait 4 him but shamil has finished his matter with u.sulaiman n zarul wanted to go somewhere else. so we went home. while waiting 4 da cab, zaimu called me n asked where i was. told him dat i'm on ma way home n dat myb we cud meet another tym. besides, his meeting was until late evening.
the bottomline is i did'n get to make my visa. so i'm still an illegal immigrant.
back home, opened ma laptop(did'nt even close it actually) n kept on facebooking 4 a while n talked 2 ibu 4 a few minutes then suddenly......tuut...tuut...tuut...(disconnected)
argh!!! 4get it. was feeling sleepy so went strait to bed n slept.
P/s: wat happened next won't be disclosed here as dis is ma blog not ma 'DIARY'.
Terpaling Green Day?
* (Green Day dalam kenangan..)*
Al kisahnya, zaman abang keretamayat muda dulu dulu, layanlah jugak lagu
lagu Green Day, yang mana jika korang ingat, mas...
2 echoes:
ko wt visa ari tuh bape bnyk kne bayar???
x wat pon lagi...
tp dgr cter kalo stdnt azhar xyah bayar denda lewat renew visa...so x smpai 20 pound pon.
kalo kena bayar denda (stdnt uniersity lain), mahal gak lah dalam 100 pound
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